What was then, now is!
Arundel Loisirs was established in June 2014. We started with a group of 12 like-minded individuals who were ready to put time, energy, ideas and enthusiasm into organziing events and activities for the citizens of Arundel. We are now 85 members and growing!
We are committed to supporting all groups and organizations in our community along with hosting our own events. In the past 9 months we have been involved in the following:
Supported the Ladies & Gents Abreast Fundraiser in June 2014
Launched the Discover Arundel Challenge Summer 2014 (insert picture here)
Hosted a horseshoe tournament at the Irish Festival in June 2014
Donated funds to the Journee de La Culture initiative
Took over the management and funding of the Arundel Outdoor Club (X-country & snowshoe trails)
Organized a Christmas Tree decorating event in December 2014 (insert picture)
Applied for a grant through the MRC Pacte Rurale program that will help us buy sports equipment for our community
Assisted a local youth to start up a 14 yrs and up Saturday night hockey group
Organized events during the Winter Carnival February 2015
Organized a "Wee Ones" sliding day with hot chocolate and a custom made hill for children 5 and under
Hosted two Bingo Games at the Arundel Legion in February & March 2015 with proceeds going towards the expenses of Arundel's X-country and snowshoe trails and Arundel Elementary School special programs
Thank you to everyone who helped out and participated. We look forward to working together with you again soon and invite you to post your comments HERE (insert link).
Visit our blog regularly to find out what's going on and what's in the works. See you out there!